First, adjust your rear view mirror to give the best possible view directly to the rear of your car. You don’t need it to get a better view of either side of the car, the kids in the back seat or your dazzling smile. The rear view mirror should look to the rear.
Next, lean your head until it almost touches the driver’s side window. Adjust your side mirror so that you can just barely see the side of your car.
With your mirrors adjusted this way, you’ll have maximum coverage. Of course driving is a dynamic process – things change every second. So it’s wise to take a quick look to the side when passing to make sure that another vehicle hasn’t moved into an area you couldn’t see in your mirrors.
Depending on the kind of vehicle you drive, you may still have some blind spots. All vehicles have an area behind them that’s blind when backing up. The bigger the vehicle the bigger the blind spot. A pick up or SUV can hide a small child – an RV, bus or tractor-trailer can hide an entire vehicle.
As you drive, avoid staying in other diver’s blind spots. You can’t count on them to be watching their mirrors and looking out for you.
Make sure your mirrors are in good shape and talk with your Green & White service adviser to replace broken or non-functioning mirrors.